Our Story

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Our practice and mission are very personal.

You see, my husband, Jerome, was born with nerve deafness and was fitted for his first body aid at the age of 11. As a young boy, he struggled greatly with his hearing loss, at times refusing to wear his hearing aids because of peer pressure. As an adult, he tried one hearing aid after another, hoping to achieve better hearing. In our search for better hearing, he discovered NuEar hearing aids. He tried them, and it opened a new world of sound for him. Amazingly, he could finally hear and understand me!​

Helping people hear better became a passion for us. In 1986, we founded Hearing Healthcare Center in Greenville and dedicated our lives to serving the hearing impaired.

As a family-owned and operated business, we are able to give personal attention to each of our customers. Our staff of qualified, caring professionals is dedicated to helping our patients hear better. Better hearing leads to a better quality of life and we feel fortunate to serve the hearing impaired every day.

Our StoryWe value the human connection that better hearing gives each patient and their loved ones. We would be honored to work with you, your family, and loved ones that struggle to hear and will ensure you receive the best hearing healthcare possible.

Yours for Better Hearing,

Vickie Wilkerson Signature 2 e1629209274721

Vickie Wilkerson

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